Saturday, December 25, 2010

Scams and Dailies

Typically news follows the LIFO concept,the last to get into your head is the first to get out. Scams and unscrupulous men make it to the front pages of our country's national newspapers while applauds and achievements make it to the last pages. If you don't believe me..then open our national daily "Hindu" and check out the last page for all the "good news". So it becomes natural for a person to open the last page, rather than the first at times.

Our nation's print and electronic media giants need to be introspect the kind of news they feed us with .The most respected journos are caught on tapes lobbying with scamsters! How could a journalist, write an article based on what a business lobbyist expects him to ? "Pen is mightier than sword" but here that proverb has been exploited.Is this a case of corruption? Newspapers and magazines in India were the means of spreading the truth that "Swaraj is my birth right and I shall have it" ,finally releasing us from the strings of British rule 63 years ago.Smart industrialists influence the minds of the common man through pens of these "elite" journos! For a month I have been making it a point to read who has written the article rather than what the article is about. Funny but that's how things are happening in our country. Very few individuals write what they think should reach the masses.
Twitter may be a micro blogging site but it has also been instrumental in showing the doors to the glib tongued of our nation from the most coveted posts. Wiki leaks seems to be more powerful in revealing the Truth!

Personally as a blogger I have written one about the UID project deeply impressed by the whole concept after watching a television program,but I realised that the concept has its dose of errors , after surfing to gather more details.Now my opinion is that its better to enclose the photocopies of the PAN card, Ration Card , Driving license as a proof of our identity, till we are tagged with the unique identity number.

So, here's a young Indian wishing that next Christmas she gets to open the newspaper, reading first to last, happily picking up the main paper first rather than the supplement to refresh her morning with more interesting news!

Merry Christmas !

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