This may be the latest review on this Telugu hit of Allu Arjun. The movie which has captured the five day Telugu wedding in 3 hrs along with some action is surely the best tribute to the cultural extravaganza - if I could call it so. The focus of the cameraman is Allu Arjun for sure.Atleast Arya-2 had a cute and bubbly Kajal to share the frame alongside Arjun , in this movie the "varudu" (prospective guy) stars almost the entire movie. Its totally a male domination with Arya turning out to be the absolutely scary actor in this movie. The story starts with All Arjun a modern day, cool guy telling his parents to search for a bride personally. The twist comes when he decides not to see the bride till the wedding day.For a movie goer whose marital status is single , the whole thought of refusing to see the bride 's pic makes him feel that the hero is insane ! On top of it the girl refusing to do the same makes you realise that lady luck was shining on the guy and they were obviously made for each other!
The story then progresses with the wedding being described in detail with the " pasupu danchadam" (thrushing turmeric) , "nalugu function" ( applying turmeric) and the dressing up of the varudu for the day. The bridegroom's procession on the elephant bare chested has been shot extremely well by the cameraman. The most important part of the movie is when the girl and boy look at each other for the first time as the screen separating them is slowly brought down. It was the first time even I saw the girl ! The heroine looked like a simple next door girl who looked a princess in the bridal wear.
The portion where the mandapam is brought down would have been the art director's nightmare for sure.Except for the unrealistic backgrounds in certain parts of the movie and a extremely unpractical climax the movie is a beautiful piece of work. Excellant acting by Arya and Arjun !
Rating :
* * * 1/2
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