It is a really strenuous task being a biotechnology graduate looking up an IT company website, where certain terms like 'domains', 'verticals' , 'markets' , 'upturn' , 'venture capitals', etc pop up in most of the pages.When I am doing this I feel learning basic communication English is insufficient for an individual to enter the REAL Business world. There is this arena which a college student never comes in contact to- the industry requirements, which is actually true. We are too busy with 'olarifying', 'bulb kudthufying' , 'Smalichifying' half the time that we are looked archaic in the beginning in the biz world .But after all, what is college life without all these 'typical' jargon, the next 20 years your are destined to be thrusted the responsibility of using it either at office or at least to understand what your husband or brother comes home ranting about from his office.
Secondly, there is a gadget language being spoken today , where you have terms like speed, microprocessor, RAM, Battery life time, support features, Android-Smart phone,Touch,Tab, Pad( I have picked up the simple ones, because I am very bad at equipping these terms myself, thanks to God for blessing me with the ability to understand things, but I find it difficult to use such jargon ,if truth be said) Being a person who is really not keen on learning this kind of jargon at school, I entered college, but never did I think that after handling my pal's mob would I turn out watching a 'Gadget Guru' or a' TechnoHolik', which was a show i used to skip, it was like Greek and Latin then.Following technical blogs for past few months, may be a transformation to suit a new field I am heading towards. Or have I have turned out to be a victim of the technology revolution , it should be an "Artificial Evolution'' ?
Artificial Evolution!
Everything at home seems to be 'S.M.A.R.T.' - something which can do a job on its own with few instructions. Washing Machines, Televisions, Automobile, Mobile phones , Microwave ovens, Refrigerators, Air Conditioners, the list seems to go on. Just imagine how a idiot box working with an antenna had to be kept steady with a piece of steel rod, after a gentle wind made it wobble, is now DTH connection based! Amazing is the HD television, giving you a real time picture clarity. Of course all this happens at the cost of investment and not all Indian homes can afford it, but its happening everywhere, India is heading towards the great technology make over, which is sure to bring India to the top very soon. When the west comes hunting for recruiters to our nation , the super power dream is not far behind folks!
So ultimately coming to the point, an individual cannot remain oblivious to the jargon anymore, its better to know the basics of it. Happy Jargon!